Western vs Soviet mentality: Ukrainian pilots receive French fighter jet training

Published on 2024-06-17

Western vs Soviet mentality: Ukrainian pilots receive French fighter jet training

Ukrainian pilots receive Western training in France with simulations and real warplane missions, aiming to enhance their skills in navigation, bombing techniques, and Western decision-making to improve their air combat capabilities.

French Air Force instructors train Ukrainian pilots on fighter jet simulators, giving them missions like bombing an imaginary Russian ammunition depot. The pilots then receive hands-on training in Alpha Jet aircraft.

This training is the first of a three-phase program that will include advanced training on F-16s in Romania. It aims to enhance the Ukrainian pilots' skills and prepare them for combat.

The instructors focus on instilling Western military tactics, such as pilot autonomy and decision-making, and replacing Soviet-era teachings.

Despite donating warplanes to Ukraine, France's plans to provide Mirages 2000-5 fighter jets are under discussion. These jets have the potential to be modified for ground attack capabilities.

While the Ukrainian Air Force has lost significant aircraft to Russian attacks, it has also successfully downed Russian aircraft. The training and potential delivery of Western warplanes aim to replenish Ukraine's arsenal and provide its pilots with the skills needed to defend their homeland.