Massacre of a family of six in Chiapas

Published on 2024-06-16

Massacre of a family of six in Chiapas

Six family members killed by cartel-backed gunmen in Chiapas, Mexico.

A tragic incident in Chiapas on Friday left six family members, including three children, dead. Mayor Julio Pérez labeled it a "massacre," linking it to violent militia clashes backed by drug cartels. Three suspects were apprehended, though their identities remain unknown.

Mexico has faced a surge in family-targeted killings. In Guanajuato, gunmen attacked a Leon residence seeking a male family member, but in his absence, they killed the women and children. Surveillance footage captured the perpetrators entering and exiting the home before the killings.

President López Obrador announced the detention of five National Guard officers for disciplinary breaches, but provided no further information.

Chiapas has experienced heightened violence lately, particularly during the lead-up to the June election. There were two attacks on mayoral candidates, one ambush after a campaign rally, and mass shootings in Chicomuselo. The conflict between armed groups in La Frailesca has contributed to the escalation.

The situation has worsened since July 1, as drug trafficking and cartel-related violence have claimed the lives of 200 Mexicans, including Claudia Sheinbaum, who recently made history by becoming Mexico City's first female mayor.