'Fauci's Memoir: Trump Raged, Declared Love Amid Pandemic'

Published on 2024-06-15

'Fauci's Memoir: Trump Raged, Declared Love Amid Pandemic'

Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in his upcoming memoir that former President Donald Trump went into an expletive-filled rant with him in a phone call.

Dr. Anthony Fauci recalls in his memoir that then-President Trump berated him in a phone call during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite his anger, Trump also expressed affection, saying he loved Fauci but believed Fauci was harming the country. Fauci, who had issued guidelines for navigating the virus, faced Trump's accusations that he disparaged Trump's performance. Trump also alleged that Fauci's actions cost the country a trillion dollars by hindering the stock market's growth.

Fauci, known for his resilience, acknowledged the discomfort of being verbally abused by the President despite Trump's expressions of fondness.

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress have propagated conspiracy theories implicating Fauci in the pandemic. During a recent hearing, Fauci defended himself against these accusations, emphasizing that they fuel death threats against him.

The memoir, titled "On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service," is scheduled for release this month.